All our asana classes are dedicated to the in-depth study and practice of the Ashtanga primary series. In these sessions, asanas are practiced in a dynamic, set sequence, with a strong focus on mastering the A and B series. Emphasis is placed on breath control (`pranayama`), energy locks (`bandhas`), and the gaze (`drishti`).
Ashtanga, which means “eight limbs,” is a branch of yoga introduced to the modern world by K. Pattabhi Jois in the 20th century. While Ashtanga yoga is a prominent focus, we also delve deeply into Hatha yoga. Hatha yoga practice includes postures, pranayama, proper yogic diet, body purification, and discipline, all aimed at achieving health and well-being as a foundation for spiritual growth.
In these classes, you will also learn the Sanskrit names of the postures, connecting you to the ancient roots of this practice.